Schedules and fares
Hours and visits
The Villa opens from April to October, every third Sunday, with a guided tour that starts at 3.30 pm (duration: about 1.30h).
No tour in august
The rest of time, it can be visited only by appointment.
Paid entrance:
Adults €10
Groups more than 15 members €8
Tour guides €13
Free entry:
children under 12,
People with disabilities,
Authorized guides,
For info or appointments:
Tel: +39 0423 482072
Mobile: +39 335 7203976
At this moment the frescoed rooms of the Villa and the Museums, both on the first floor, are not accessible to people with disabilities.
Dogs on a leash are allowed only in the garden.
Proposed Itinerary

Arts, Culture and suggestion in the province of Treviso. The extraordinary works of the great masters of the Venetian Palladio, Giorgione, Veronese and Zelotti can be seen in a radius of a few kilometers in the area of Castelfranco Veneto. An interesting itinerary to discover the art and history of this rich territory. The cathedral with Giorgione’s painting, in the medieval village of Castelfranco Veneto, the wonderful architecture of Andrea Palladio and the frescoes by Paolo Veronese in Villa Maser in Maser, the architecture of Andrea Palladio and the frescoes by Giovanni Battista Zelotti in Villa Emo in Fanzolo of Vedelago and frescoes by Benedetto Caliari , Veronese brother, of Villa Chiminelli at Sant Andrea di Castelfranco Veneto. The area also offers cycling routes and an important enogastronomic tradition to discover.